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發(fā)布時間:2024-07-23 瀏覽:1235 次


Against the backdrop of continuous development and integration in the global medical field, Perlead Medical is actively expanding its international market and participating in global medical construction with firm steps and innovative spirit, demonstrating the strength and responsibility of Chinese medical enterprises.




In recent years, Perlead Medical has actively responded to the "the Belt and Road" initiative, constantly deepened medical cooperation in countries along the "the Belt and Road", and is committed to improving the medical level of countries along the "Belt and Road". At present, Perlead Medical Imaging products have been widely used in multiple medical institutions in countries such as Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,  Uzbekistan and so on. These advanced DR devices provide local medical institutions with precise and efficient diagnostic tools, helping doctors provide better medical services to patients.

通過歐盟 CE-MDR 準入認證


The Perlead 9600 Dynamic FPD Digital Radiography & Fluoroscopy system has obtained the EU CE-MDR certification, which is also the first CE certificate for DRF (MDR) new regulations in China. This certification means that the Perlead 9600 series meets the strict medical device regulations of the European Union and can freely circulate in the EU market, bringing high-quality diagnosis and treatment services to more European patients.



In the journey of promoting the improvement of global medical standards, the footsteps of Perlead Medical have never stopped. Not only contribute to the medical construction of countries along the "the Belt and Road", but also actively participate in various international exhibitions, exchange and share with global medical peers, learn and collide with international cutting-edge technologies, and fully demonstrate the excellence of Chinese medical equipment manufacturing.



At the same time, Perlead Medical participates in United Nations rescue projects with a strong sense of mission. Perlead DR products have been recognized by the United Nations Health Organization and have successfully participated in UN aid projects, contributing to global epidemic prevention and control as well as medical construction in Kyrgyzstan.


No matter where in the world, Perlead Medical is committed to using high-quality medical imaging products to bring more accurate diagnoses to patients, provide doctors with more powerful tools, and make positive contributions to promoting the improvement of global medical standards.

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